Select Work –
Direct Response LP

Amanda Jennings

is a visual designer with 8+ years
experience in brand and marketing design
based in Brooklyn, NY.

Currently: Sr Visual Designer @ Owlet

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Partnered with acquisition team to design a direct response landing page to drive immediate action and enhance conversions for paid advertising. The LP emphasizes the food's benefits and pulls inspiration from the native social media platforms a user originated from.   ◾  Design   ◾  Art Direction

  ◾  Design   ◾  Art Direction
Design and Colaboration Process
Collaborated with the acquisition marketing team and copywriter to outline goals and intentions for each section of the landing page. Shared a wireframe with stakeholders and the copywriter for feedback prior to starting the design phase.   ◾  Design   ◾  Art Direction

  ◾  Design   ◾  Art Direction